WRI 1100 // OnlineWRITING WITH RESEARCH: RESEARCH ESSAYASSIGNMENTWrite a 1,250-‐1,750 word researched essay with an argumentaBve claim on a topic of your choice. PURPOSEThe purpose of this assignment is to convince readers to change their point-‐of-‐view or their acBons regarding an issue you care about. You are not responsible for solving the problem enBrely, but rather for contribuBng something meaningful to the ongoing conversaBon surrounding the issue. Research-‐based posiBon arguments like this are very common in a wide range of wriBng both inside and outside of academic contexts. PROCESSFor this assignment, you will need to conduct library and online research to “listen in” on what others have already said and to find evidence to support your claim. The essay will also need appropriate context and a convincing engagement with those who might oppose your argument. Here are some steps you might consider to get started:1. Begin by idenBfying a topic/controversial issue that interests you personally and spend some Bme isolaBng a central, unresolved problem. Next, develop a research quesBon to guide your preliminary fact-‐finding-‐-‐something like “What should be done about X?”2. Once you’ve gathered some background informaBon on your topic, develop a working thesis that includes a claim and reasons joined by a connecBve element like the word “because.” You’ll use these reasons-‐-‐three or four of the key points supporBng your soluBon-‐-‐to shape the body of your essay. 3. Next, decide who your target audience will be. Make sure you are specific about who you are trying to convince, and what you want them to do (i.e. think more criBcally about the issue, change their perspecBve, or take a parBcular acBon). 4. Start wriBng by drabing an introducBon that sets-‐up the situaBon or problem your essay addresses. Then, use a paragraph to give any crucial background informaBon. Now you can begin using quoted and paraphrased research to jusBfy each of your soluBon-‐oriented main points. As your essay takes shape, make sure you include a “naysayer” paragraph that evaluates at least one opposing point-‐of-‐view. Finally, don’t forget that your conclusion needs to help readers see what they’ve gained from your essay and what benefits might follow. POINTS OF EVALUATIONYour essay will be evaluated based on the Research Essay scoring rubric. REQUIREMENTSAs with all essays in this class, this paper should follow MLA guidelines for citaBon and page format. This means in-‐text citaBons and a Works Cited page, as well as a formal heading and page numbers that include your last name. Make sure you use a standard font, double line-‐spacing, and 1” margins. This essay requires at least four different sources-‐-‐including one newspaper or magazine, one credible website (not NPOV), and one book or academic journal. DUE DATESApril 27 Discuss expanding Public Argument essay with sources or starBng drab with new topicMay 6,8 Complete peer review and revise drabMay 10 Revised final drab due through Blackboard no later than midnight