Joseph Reed was Washington’s personal secretary
1776:Chapter 7 QuestionsI attached a file contains all that questions.Each answer contains about 50 words. please without plagiarism.1. Distrust of Washington’s leadership is best exemplified in Joseph Reed’s private letter to General Charles Lee.A. Joseph Reed was Washington’s personal secretary, his confidant. Do you think he should have written the letter to Lee and was Reed’s criticism of Washington fair?B. What do you think of Lee’s response?C. How did Washington react when he accidentally read Lee’s response to Reed’s letter? What does this say of Washington’s character?2. There are numerous references to the poor physical condition of the Continental Army and the low morale. Discuss, more specifically, the Continental Army’s situation. (50 words)3. The British, on the other hand, appear confident of victory even offering “The British Proclamation” on November 30th.A. What was “The British Proclamation”? What was the colonial response? (25 words)The last half of Chapter 7 is one of victory and enthusiasm for George Washington, the Continental Army, and the Revolution.4. The weather was extremely important at both Trenton and Princeton. Explain. (50-75 words)5. Three people contributed to the success at Trenton and Princeton, comment on the actions of 1 of the following:George WashingtonHenry KnoxNathaniel Greene(50 words) ATTACHMENT″> Download″>” alt=”1776 chapters 1-3.doc”>1776 cHAPTERS 1-3.docMohammed AlsadaAmerican History 13011776 by David McCulloughChapters 1-31.Discuss George III’s attitude and actions towards the colonies.The attitude of George towards the colonies was generally bad. He tried not losingthe colonies, but his actions say the opposite. And he made the colonies as asource to get more money by taxing them. Also, When the colonies wantsomething he replied by sending more troops. When George convinced that hisarmy at Boston are not enough, he decided to reinforcement and send three of hisbest major generals: William Howe, John Burgoyne, and Henry Clinton.2.George III appointed General William Howe to lead the British army in the colonies. Whywas Howe a good choice?General William Howe was a good choice, because he had won majority of battlesbefore. Howe had served in America during the Seven Years War. His experiencein military drove George III to choose him.3.What was George Washington’s military experience prior to taking command of theContinental Army?Since boyhood, Washington lived in military environment that gave himexperience in survey. George also served in the French and Indian War.4.Discuss 3 major problems Washington encountered with the newly formed “ContinentalArmy” while in Boston.Washington faced many problems. George had army which was not sufficient.Most of his army were farmers. Sickness, hunger and the experience they had onharsh weather conditions were another problems.5.In January 1776, General Washington put Henry Knox in charge of artillery in Boston. InWashington’s opinion, Knox deserved this position because he had displayed leadership,determination, daring, and ingenuity. Explain what Knox did to earn Washington’s respectand trust?When Washington found out that he needed artillery in the American forces, hesought Knox’s advice being the only one who knew how to get guns. Also, Knoxwas in charge of bringing cannon to Boston. Knox gained respect and trust fromWashington and the colonies.6.Nathanael Greene’s “Rhode Islanders” were unique from the rest of the Continental Army.Why?Greene’s Rhode Island regimes were very organized and were managed straightout a manual belonging to British. That impressed Washington.7.Why did General William Howe leave Boston?Since Boston was under eminent siege from colonies that were rebellious and theBritish garrison being tied down because of limited number of troops in thecolonies. Howe decided to use the British naval supremacy to evacuate them toHalifax. In Halifax, they could obtain more resources and get organized.