MGT7029-8 – Analyze recent research in delegation and empowerment approaches
Analyze recent research in delegation and empowerment approaches used in organizations. Identify best practices that demonstrate methods and approaches that enable leaders to efficiently delegate responsibilities among team members to meet or exceed expectations. Evaluate the importance of empowering subordinates to foster a positive and productive working environment. You will assume the role of leader of an organization for this activity and will present your findings in a PowerPoint presentation to a select group of senior managers.Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as “speaker notes” for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.Support your presentation with at least five (5) scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.Length: 12-15 slides (with a separate reference slide)Notes Length: 200-350 words for each slide