Office Depot sells a wide range of office supply products and services in the United States and internationally
IST 349Homework #6Also, prepare a one-page paper using Microsoft Word (double spaced) on the following topic:Office Depot sells a wide range of office supply products and services in the United Statesand internationally. The company tries to offer a wider range of office supplies at lowercost than other retailers by using just-in-time replenishment and tight inventory controlsystems. It uses information from a demand forecasting system and point-of-sale data toreplenish its inventory in its 1,600 retail stores. Explain how these systems help OfficeDepot minimize costs and any other benefits they provide. Identify and describe othersupply chain management applications that would be especially helpful to Office DepotAfter preparing the paper, name your file: Rosabal.William.Hwk#6. Then upload your documentto Hwk#6 folder on Blackhawk.