Over years, United States of America has been receiving many immigrants in the country
2301 Paper Instructions. Your paper MUST
satisfy the following requirements.
I. Write a paper that is about 1 page excluding the list of
references. Your paper can be more than 1 page.
A. You MUST use 12 point, Times New Roman font, single-line spacing, and one-inch margins.
B. Your paper must answer the following MAIN
Does the Secretary of the Department of
Homeland Security have the authority to defer deportation for millions of
undocumented immigrants and thereby make them eligible for government benefits?
C. If your paper
does not address EACH sub-questionin
section III of this outline, you will LOSE substantial points.
II. An
electronic copy of your paper is
due by 11:59 PM on Sunday, May 8,
2016. You must submit this paper as a Microsoft Word document via the specific dropbox for this
assignment on this course’s Blackboard
webpages. (After your paper is graded, no rewrites of your paper
will be permitted.)
III. Your paper MUST contain the following THREE sections.
A. INTRODUCTION. It is easier to write
your introduction AFTER you write the body of your paper.
1. In your introductory paragraph, you must convey the MAIN QUESTION
above that your paper will answer.
2. You also must give the FULL NAME and POSITION of the author as
well as the TITLE and YEAR of EACH SOURCE that addresses this question.
– Examples:
Texas Solicitor General Scott A. Keller
in theBrief for the State Respondents (2016) asserts…. U.S.Solicitor
General Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. in theReply Brief for
the Petitioners(2016)
3. Your introduction cannot be less than THREE SENTENCES.
1. When answering the sub-questions
below, you must follow the following instructions.
a. The sub-questions
themselves cannot appear in your paper.
b. You must form a
declarative sentence using components of the sub-question and the answer found
in the source.
c. A reader must be able
to understand your sentences and paragraphs without reading the sub-questions.
d. When referring to the
statements of each author, maintain the PRESENT TENSE. Otherwise, use the SAME
VERB TENSE that the SUB-QUESTION employs.
2. The body of your paper MUST answer the following SUB-QUESTIONS.
a. In theBrief for the State Respondents(2016),Keller
asserts on page I that the “Executive Branch
unilaterally created a program that would deem” how many “aliens to be
‘lawfully present’ and eligible for a host of benefits including work
b. As Keller
states on page 9 of this document,for what does the
abbreviation DACA stand? According to Keller on page 11,for what does
the abbreviation DAPA stand? (These two abbreviations
stand for proper nouns that should NOT BE QUOTED.)
c. As Keller
in theBrief for the State Respondents (2016) argues on page 16, which
institution is “‘entrusted exclusively’” with the “power to establish when aliens are lawfully present”?
d.Based onKeller on page 16, has Congress ever “given
the Executive carte blanche to grant
lawful presence to any alien it chooses not to remove”? (A note that you do NOT
need to repeat in your papers: carte
blanche meanscomplete
liberty to do
one thinks best.)
e. As Keller specifies on page 16, how
would Congress “have needed to delegate such power”? Because why? (See note in
section V(D)(3) on“‘economic and political
your answer, insert the Immigration and Nationality Act’sinstead
of theINA’s) DoesDAPA and the expansion of DACAremove “eligibility bars for numerous significant benefits”?
As Verrilli contends in theReply Brief for the
Petitioners(2016)on pages 15-16, if “Congress believes that the Secretary’s authority should not be
exercised in this manner,” what is Congress free to do? On page 16 of the same source, has
Congress done so?
g. As Keller
asserts on page 17 in presenting a new challenge toDAPA
and the
expansion of DACA, are these programs “also invalid
because” they were “promulgated without” what procedure? (In your answer,insert the Administrative
Procedure Act’s instead ofAPA.)
According to Keller on page 17,are DAPA and the expansion of DACA general statements of policy OR substantive rules? Because why? (See note in section V(D)(3) on‘affect
individual rights and obligations.’”)
i. From Verrilli’s
response on pages 28-29, does the Administrative Procedure Act expressly provide “that a ‘statement of policy’ may ‘affect[] a
member of the public’ and be ‘relied on, used, or cited as precedent by an agency
against a party,’ so long as it was made publicly available or there was actual
notice, as occurred here”?(See note in section V(D)(3) on phrases flanked by one quotation mark.)
j. As Verrilli’s
argues on page 29, have the “notice-and-comment
requirements” for rules on the rights of all those with deferred action “already
been satisfied” because “[d]uly-promulgated regulations” already provide these
k. As Verrilli’s
specifies on page 28, is the decision to grant a deferred-action request under
these programs “‘determined on a case-by-case basis’”?
l. According to Keller toward the
middle of page 75, do these programs “allow” for this “‘case-by-case’ discretion”?
C. CONCLUSION. In your concluding
paragraph, you can REFLECT on, RESPOND to, or ANALYZE this legal debate.
1. Your conclusion cannot be less than THREE SENTENCES.
2. Do NOT USE “I think, believe, feel, or etc.”in your
paper in order to express your opinion.
3. Instead, use the words
“ought” or “should” to convey your opinion or ideal.
– Examples: The U.S. Supreme Court should…. The executive
branch ought to….
IV. In addition, each paper must conform to
the Supplemental Instructions for the Paper given below.
V. Supplemental Instructions for the Paper.
A. You Need a List of References.You MUST have a list of references at the end of your paper. Please
see a sample list of references in section E of these supplemental
B. No Title Page, but Name. No title page is needed. On the front sheet at the top of your
paper, please type your name.
C. Using In-Text Citations.You are obligated to use the APA
Style for citing sources.
What to Include.ALL your in-text
citations MUST provide the CORRECT PAGE
NUMBER(S)where the specific answer to a sub-question is
found in a source. See the model paper for examples.
2. What to Cite. If you
reference in your paper other sources
beyond the two sources listed in section
E below, your paper grade will be an
3. When to Cite.Since
your answers to the sub-questions generally are not based on common knowledge or
personal experience, the information in the body of your paper should be cited.
Whether you are paraphrasing
or quoting a source, you MUST
REFERENCE the source in an in-text citation.
D. Quoting Limits.
1. Quote Limit. You can quote from the sources only SEVEN
times in this paper, and each quote
MUST BE NO LONGER than ONE SENTENCE. You will lose points if you exceed this quote limit. Flanked by quotation marks, quotes are words taken from a
source in the same order. If you lift
words from a source and insert these words in your paper un-flanked by quotation marks,
this is plagiarism.
Plagiarism could lead to a grade of “F” or ZERO
on your paper.
2. No Limit on Referencing. WITHOUT
A LIMIT, you can PARAPHRASEand REFERENCE the sources. To paraphrase a source is to employ words that are different
than a source’s words but have the same meaning as the source’s words. To find
words with the same meaning, you can use a thesaurus book or the Thesaurus tool
on Microsoft Word (See the Review tab.). To paraphrase, you can also use some
of the source’s words in a different order.
3. Quoting Terminology,
Proper Nouns, & Standards. Quoting a source’s STANDARDS or ORIGINAL TERMS that are ONE TO FOUR WORDS or proper nounswill NOT count as one of the limited
number of quotes. Examples:
a. “‘economic and political significance’” (This immediately
preceding standard is a quote within a quote. Three quotation marks at each end indicate that the words within
the marks were quoted within the source.)
b. “because [they] ‘affect individual rights and obligations’” (This
immediately preceding standard is also a quote within a quote. The one quotation mark before affect signals
the beginning of a phrase that was quoted within the source. The three quotation marks indicate the
end of that quote in the source.)
c. “that a ‘statement of policy’ may ‘affect[] a member of the
public’ and be ‘relied on, used, or cited as precedent by an agency against a
party,’ so long as it was made publicly available or there was actual notice,
as occurred here” (The immediately preceding segment is also a quote within a
quote. The one quotation mark flanking
each of the threephrases
means that the words within the marks were quoted in
the source.
E. Sample References.
Immediately below are model references to place in a list of references at the
end of a paper. Sources in your list of references must be in ALPHABETICAL
Brief for the State Respondents, United
States v. Texas, 577 U.S. ____ (2016) (No.
Reply Brief for the Petitioners, United
States v. Texas, 577 U.S. ____ (2016) (No.
F. Model Paper. Below is a
model of what your paper should be in terms of structure, paragraphs, APA in-text
citations, and the list of references. NOTE: When you are citing a single page
use “p.” Example:(p.
8).When you are citing multiple pages use “pp.”
Example:(pp. 8-9).
Paper Title
XX x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x.Texas Solicitor General Scott A. Keller
in theBrief for the State Respondents (2016)x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x.U.S.Solicitor General Donald B.
Verrilli, Jr. in theReply Brief for the Petitioners(2016) x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x.
In theBrief
for the State Respondents (2016),Keller x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x (p. I).XX x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x(p.
9).XX x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x(p.
There is a legal battle on whetherDAPA and
the expansion of DACAare legal. Keller in theBrief for the State Respondents (2016), x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x. Kellerx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x.
Hex x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x (p. 16). In
theReply Brief for the Petitioners(2016),Verrilli
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x(pp. 15-16).He x x x x x x x x x (p. 16). Kellerx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x. Hex x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (p. 17). Verrillix x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (pp. 28-29). Verrillix x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (p. 29). Hex
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (p. 28). Kellerx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x (p. 75).
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x. XX x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x. XX x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x.
Brief for the State Respondents, United
States v. Texas, 577 U.S. ____ (2016) (No.
Reply Brief for the Petitioners, United
States v. Texas, 577 U.S. ____ (2016) (No.