Please answer both of questions in detailed. single space, 12 point font, times new roman.
Please answer both of questions in detailed. single space, 12 point font, times new roman.1. As you are cleaning the store this morning you find a 3 gigabyte thumb drive. You knowhow valuable a thumb drive can be and that it probably contains one of your customer’sdata. What do you do? What security concerns are associated with the thumb drive? Howcould information security policies or information security plans help the cafe in this typeof situation?2. A federal appeals court is ordering a university student to pay the Recording Industry Associationof America $ 27,250 – $750 a track – for file sharing 37 songs when she was a high school cheerleader. Do you agree or disagree with the federal appeals decision? Why or why not? Why isclaiming a lack of copyright knowledge not a good defense against illegally sharing movies ormusic?