Project Management-Consider a project to promote a new product.
June 7th, 2024
5. Consider a project to promote a new product. The probabilistictime durations to complete the activities are given in the table.The durations represent the optimistic (a), most likely (m), andpessimistic (b) times (in weeks) for each activity. Draw theprecedence network diagram. Find the critical path and expectedtime for this PERT Network.ACTIVITY a m b PRECEDENCEA 2 3 5 -B 2 6 10 AC 3 4 5 BD 1 3 4 AE 1 1 1 F,I,J,KF 3 4 4 NG 4 5 6 DH 2 5 7 DI 1 1 1 HJ 2 2 3 GK 3 5 6 C,GL 2 4 5 EM 5 7 8 AN 2 3 4 M