Project Management-Draw the network diagram for the information given below.
January 2nd, 2018
3. Draw the network diagram for the information given below. What isthe critical path and associated elapsed time. Calculate theminimum cash flow for the first four weeks of the projectassuming the following distribution:ACTIVITY TOTAL COST FOR EACH ACTIVITYA thru H 16,960I thru P 5,160Q thru V 40,960W 67,200X 22,940Furthremore, assume that all costs are linear with time andactivity X cost must be spent in the first two weeks.ACTIVITY PRECEDING ACTIVITY NORMAL TIME (WEEKS)A – 4B A 6C B,U,V,N 3D C 2E C 2F C 7G C 7H D,E 4I – 2J I,R 1K J 1L K 2M L 1N M 1O N 2P O 1Q – 4R Q 1S – 1T – 1U S 2V T 2W – 3X – 2