Read a biography or autobiography or view a video documentary
Project one1. Leadership (Auto)Biography DescriptionRead a biography or autobiography or view a video documentary about an organizationalleader (typically a business leader, not a politician or religious figure). Prepare a threepage report on this person.Part I is a 100-word abstract of the book. An abstract is a terse summary, not your opinionabout the merits of the book. An abstract is not a critique. The first sentence of yourabstract must contain a full citation of your book or video, such as “Martha: A InsideLook at the Martha Stewart Empire (Doubleday, 2005) by Sally Cohen takes a revealinglook at the leadership qualities and personal conflicts of….”Part II is a 600-word analysis of the leader’s traits, characteristics, and behaviors. Theleadership text will provide the points (such as the leader being trustworthy) for thisanalysis.Part III is a 50-word analysis of how well you would enjoy working for, or with, thisleader.Label the three parts, using headings. The assignment is due by week five.Use three headings to divide your paper, such as “Part I: Abstract.”Here are a few suggestions that have Book and DVD (Auto) biographies for review:· Jack Welch, General Electric· Barbara Waugh, Hewlett Packard· Sam Walton, Wal-Mart· Ray Kroc, McDonald’s· Tony Robbins, Consultant· Donald Trump, Trump Enterprises***I would like to work on Donald Trump, Trump Enterprises***If possible