SNHU OL 690 Module 4 – Many global organizations are ISO
OL 690 Module Four Short Paper Guidelines and RubricResponsible Operation and the EnvironmentOverview: Many global organizations are ISO certified. Specifically, ISO 14001 addresses the elements of responsible operation toward the environment. Theframework indicates that an organization should maintain a policy addressing the following elements:Top management shall define its organization’s environmental policy, and ensure it is appropriate to the environmental impact of its activities, productsand services.Commitment to continuous improvement, prevention of pollution and compliance with legislation and regulations shall be documented, implementedand maintained.The environmental objectives and targets shall be set and reviewed.The policy shall be communicated to all persons working for the organization and be made available to the public. (Source: TWI)Write a 3- to 4-page paper that addresses the following: Create a 1–2 paragraph environmental policy for the company that you are focusing on for your final project.Discuss and support your selected focus areas in your policy verbiage. Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be 3–4 pages in length (not including cover page and reference page) and should use double spacing, 12-pointTimes New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to a discipline-appropriate citation method.Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,review these instructions.Critical ElementsMain Elements Inquiry and Analysis Integration andApplication Exemplary (100%)Includes all of the mainelements and requirementsand cites multiple examples toillustrate each elementProvides in-depth analysis thatdemonstrates completeunderstanding of multipleconceptsAll of the course concepts arecorrectly applied Proficient (90%)Includes most of the mainelements and requirementsand cites many examples toillustrate each elementProvides in-depth analysis thatdemonstrates completeunderstanding of someconceptsMost of the course conceptsare correctly applied Needs Improvement (70%)Includes some of the mainelements and requirements Not Evident (0%)Does not include any of themain elements andrequirements Value25 Provides analysis thatdemonstrates minimalunderstanding of concepts Does not provide in-depthanalysis 20 Some of the course conceptsare correctly applied Does not correctly apply any ofthe course concepts 10 Critical Thinking Research Writing(Mechanics/Citations) Draws insightful conclusionsthat are thoroughly defendedwith evidence and examplesIncorporates many scholarlyresources effectively thatreflect depth and breadth ofresearchNo errors related toorganization, grammar andstyle, and citations Draws informed conclusionsthat are justified with evidence Draws logical conclusions, butdoes not defend with evidence Does not draw logicalconclusions 20 Incorporates some scholarlyresources effectively thatreflect depth and breadth ofresearchMinor errors related toorganization, grammar andstyle, and citations Incorporates very few scholarlyresources that reflect depthand breadth of research Does not incorporate scholarlyresources that reflect depthand breadth of research 15 Some errors related toorganization, grammar andstyle, and citations Major errors related toorganization, grammar andstyle, and citations 10 Total 100%Use mainly websites for all references so that I can double check work.IMPORTANT: Please use Waste Management Inc website as references. Including the following links: