SNHU QSO 500 Final Project – Analyze data-driven business

QSO 500 Final Project Guidelines and RubricOverviewThe final project for this course is the creation of a research report.Problem solving is the heart blood of any organization. In today’s world, data metrics are used extensively for accountability and performance measures. Thesedemands require a specialized form of problem solving, but there are many ways to approach data-driven problem-solving. Using action research is a verypowerful tool for identifying, analyzing, and explaining problems by using the evidence from the data analysis to guide decisions.In this final project, you will create a research report based on the application of action research processes for developing problem solving strategies. In designingthe report, you will follow the best practices for ethical research. You will utilize the research process to inform decisions in your professional life and as aframework for approaching research projects in other courses in your program. The final product will be a comprehensive research report using the five-stepresearch process (identify the problem; understand the theoretical framework of the problem; design the research study; collect, explain, and analyze the data;report the results; and make conclusions and recommendations).You will refer to the given case study and choose a research problem that has (or could have) real business or organizational applications. You will explore thetheoretical foundation of the problem by integrating information from a variety of quality sources. Then you will apply basic quantitative analysis as a part of thisprocess and use this analysis to propose a recommendation for action. The finished research report will serve as a deliverable to a decision maker as seamlessand cogent analysis of the research problem, including the evidence for resolution.The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality finalsubmissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Five, and Seven. The final submission is due in Module Nine.In this assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: Analyze data-driven business problems using action researchDetermine the theoretical foundation of business problems through the analysis of relevant, quality sourcesAnalyze qualitative and quantitative data using primary and secondary sources to generate meaningful resultsApply ethical reasoning that complies with legal and professional standards of practice to the research enterprisePresent the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of research studies through the effective integration of written and analytical skills PromptCreate a research report based on your application of action research to research a specific business problem present in the given case study Maruti Suzuki India:Defending Market Leadership in the A-Segment.Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in your research report:I. Business Problem: Refer to the given case study and select a data-driven business problem that can be addressed using action research to be the basisfor your research report.A. Describe the research problem, including the context in which it exists. In other words, what caused or precipitated this problem? What hasalready been done to address it?B. Describe the key stakeholders (or potential stakeholders) of your business problem. In other words, who are the people who have the most togain or lose from a decision?C. Explain the research objective. How would it benefit the stakeholder to know the results?D. Develop a research question based on the research objective that clearly and concisely articulates in one sentence the purpose of the study.E. Discuss the key real or potential ethical issues or challenges of the study. Consider the following: How will data be collected and protected? Howwill human subjects be used, treated, and protected? II. Literature Review: Prepare a comprehensive literature review that carefully and thoughtfully examines the research problem from a scholarlyperspective using a minimum of seven quality sources. A minimum of three of the sources must be selected from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.Other quality sources can be professional publications or magazines, internal corporate publications such as annual reports or white papers, orestablished news sources.A. Explain the theories that best ground your organizational problem. Support your explanation with specific examples. These theories might bemanagement, behavioral, social, and/or business related.B. Discuss the bias and limitations present in the relevant literature and the potential impact these may have on your research.C. Summarize at least one other research study that has faced this challenge that could potentially be replicated and applied to your researchstudy.D. From the literature, analyze at least one other organization that has faced similar problems, explaining what they have done to address theproblem. III. Research Design: Explain how you will carry out your research. Remember that your business problem should be able to be addressed using actionresearch.A. Explain the research design and methods you will use, justifying why they are appropriate for your research study.B. Describe the key variables from primary and/or secondary data sources that you will use to analyze your research problem.C. Explain the key dependent and independent variables. In other words, how would the independent variables predict, explain, or prove thedependent variable?D. Explain the key ethical considerations for using these data sources, including how they meet legal and professional standards. IV. Data Analysis: After you have collected your data, analyze it using descriptive and inferential statistics.A. Accurately analyze the data using the appropriate descriptive statistics.B. Construct appropriate tables or graphs to accurately display the results of the data analysis. Include explanations of the meaning of theinformation presented.C. Accurately analyze the data using the appropriate inferential statistics. Be sure to include the output.D. Explain the meaning of the results of your data analysis in practical terms (e.g., what were the results? What results were expected? Whatresults were unexpected? What results were unsettling?).E. Discuss the ethics of analyzing data to ensure it is fair, objective, and scholarly. What safeguards did you put in place to ensure the integrity ofthe study? V. Conclusions and Recommendations for ActionA. Summarize your research findings succinctly for stakeholders.B. Explain how the research problem can be addressed by incorporating the results from your literature review and data analysis. In other words,what do you now know about your research problem that you did not know or understand before?C. Based on the conclusion, make recommendations to address the research problem that are actionable, feasible, and realistic.D. Recommend appropriate strategies for handling any potential questions and concerns of stakeholders.E. Based on your study, make appropriate recommendations for additional research that would improve the organization’s effectiveness. MilestonesMilestone One: Draft of Business Problem and Literature ReviewIn Module Three, you will submit a draft of your business problem and literature review. Using the problem you identified in your Module One journal and thefeedback you received, describe the research problem including the context in which it exists. Using the problem statement, describe the stakeholders andresearch objective. Based on the research objective, develop a research question that clearly and concisely articulates in one sentence the purpose of the study.Consider the key real or potential ethical issues or challenges of the study.After describing your business problem and research question, prepare a comprehensive literature review that carefully and thoughtfully examines the researchproblem from a scholarly perspective using a minimum of seven quality sources. A minimum of three of the sour
ces must be selected from scholarly, peerreviewed journals. Other quality sources can be professional publications or magazines, internal corporate publications such as annual reports or white papers,or established news sources. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric.Milestone Two: Draft of Research DesignIn Module Five, you will submit a draft of your research design. Explain the research design and methods that will be used to address the business problem youidentified in Milestone One, justifying why they are appropriate for your research study. To support your research design, describe the methods you will use, thekey variables, and ethical considerations involved in using the research design. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. Milestone Three: Draft of Data Analysis and Conclusions and Recommendations for ActionIn Module Seven, you will submit a draft of your data analysis and conclusions and recommendations for action. Analyze the data provided for your problemusing descriptive and inferential statistics. You will explain the meaning of the results of your data analysis in practical terms and consider the ethics of analyzingdata to ensure it is fair, objective, and scholarly. Using all of your research and your data analysis, you will develop the concluding section of your researchreport: conclusions and recommendations for action. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.Final Submission: Research ReportIn Module Nine, you will submit your research report. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final project. Itshould reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This final submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric. DeliverablesMilestoneOneTwoThree DeliverableDraft of Business Problem and LiteratureReviewDraft of Research DesignDraft of Data Analysis and Conclusions andRecommendations for ActionFinal Submission: Research Report Module DueThree GradingGraded separately; Milestone One Rubric Five Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric Seven Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric Final Project RubricGuidelines for Submission: Submit an APA-formatted report that is 15–20 pages in length.Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,review these instructions.Critical ElementsBusiness Problem:Research Problem Exemplary (100%)Meets “Proficient” criteria, andresearch problem isexceptionally clear andcontextualized Proficient (90%)Describes the researchproblem, including the contextin which it exists Needs Improvement (70%)Describes the researchproblem, but description iscursory or does not include thecontext in which the problemexists Not Evident (0%)Does not describe the researchproblem Value3.8 Business Problem:Stakeholders Meets “Proficient” criteria, anddescription is exceptionallyclear and contextualized Describes all key stakeholdersof the business problem Business Problem:Research Objective Meets “Proficient” criteria andprovides keen insight into howresearch would benefit thestakeholder Explains the research objective,including how this researchwould benefit the stakeholder Business Problem:Research Question Meets “Proficient” criteria, andquestion is exceptionally clearand concise Develops a research questionbased on the research objectivethat clearly and conciselyarticulates in one sentence thepurpose of the study Business Problem:Ethical Issues Meets “Proficient” criteria anddemonstrates keen insight intothe ethical issues present in thestudy Discusses all key real orpotential ethical issues orchallenges of the study Literature Review:Theories Meets “Proficient” criteria, andexamples make cogentconnections between thetheories and the organizationalproblemMeets “Proficient” criteria andis exceptionally insightful aboutthe potential impact the biasand limitations may have onresearch Explains the theories that bestground the organizationalproblem with support fromspecific examples Meets “Proficient” criteria anddemonstrates keen insight intohow other research studiescould inform your research Summarizes another researchstudy that has faced thischallenge that could potentiallybe replicated and applied toyour research study Literature Review:Bias and Limitations Literature Review:Other Research Study Discusses the bias andlimitations present in therelevant literature, includingthe potential impact onresearch Describes the stakeholders ofthe business problem, butdescription is cursory orneglects to address all keystakeholdersExplains the research objective,but explanation is cursory ordoes not show how thisresearch would benefit thestakeholderDevelops a research questionbased on the researchobjective, but it does not clearlyor concisely articulate in onesentence the purpose of thestudyDiscusses real or potentialethical issues or challenges ofthe study, but discussion iscursory, contains issues ofclarity, or neglects to addresskey ethical issuesExplains the theories that bestground the organizationalproblem, but explanation iscursory or not supported withspecific examplesDiscusses the bias andlimitations present in therelevant literature, butdiscussion contains issues ofclarity or does not address thepotential impact on researchSummarizes another researchstudy that has faced thischallenge that could potentiallybe replicated and applied toyour research study, butsummary is cursory or containsinaccuracies Does not describe thestakeholders of the businessproblem 3.8 Does not explain the researchobjective 3.8 Does not develop a researchquestion based on the researchobjective 3.8 Does not discuss real orpotential ethical issues orchallenges of the study 6.34 Does not explain the theoriesthat best ground theorganizational problem 4.76 Does not discuss the bias andlimitations present in therelevant literature 4.76 Does not summarize anotherresearch study that has facedthis challenge that couldpotentially be replicated 4.76 Literature Review:Other Organization Meets “Proficient” criteria andmakes cogent connectionsbetween other organizationsand own organization Research Design:Research Design andMethods Meets “Proficient” criteria anddemonstrates sophisticatedunderstanding of applyingresearch design and methods Analyzes another organizationthat has faced similar problems,including an explanation ofwhat was done to address theproblemExplains the research designand methods that will be used,including justification of whythis is appropriate for the study Research Design:Variables Meets “Proficient” criteria andmakes cogent connectionsbetween the variables andresearch problem Describes all key variables fromthe primary/secondary datasources that will be used toanalyze the research problem Research Design:Dependent andIndependentVariables Meets “Proficient” criteria, andexplanation is exceptionallyclear and contextualized Explains the dependent andindependent variables Research Design:Ethical Considerations Meets “Proficient” criteria anddemonstrates a sophisticatedunderstanding of ethicalconsiderations when using datasources Explains the key ethicalconsiderations for using thedata sources, including howthey meet legal andprofessional standards Data Analysis:Descriptive Statistics Meets “Proficient” criteria anddemonstrates masterfulapplication of descriptivestatistics Accurately analyzes the datausing appropriate descriptivestatistics Analyzes another organizationthat has faced similar problems,but analysis is cursory or doesnot explain what was done toaddress the problemExplains the research designand methods that will be used,but explanation is cursory,contains issues of clarity, ordoes not justify why this isappropriate for the studyDescribes the variables fromthe primary/secondary datasources, but descriptioncontains issues of clarity ordoes not address all keyvariablesExplains the dependent andindependent variables, butexplanation containsinaccuracies or neglects keyvariablesExplains the
ethicalconsiderations for using thedata sources, including howthey meet legal andprofessional standards, butexplanation is cursory orneglects key ethicalconsiderationsAnalyzes the data usingappropriate descriptivestatistics, but analysis is cursoryor contains inaccuracies Does not analyze anotherorganization that has facedsimilar problems 4.76 Does not explain the researchdesign and methods that will beused 3.8 Does not describe the variablesfrom primary/secondary datasources 4.76 Does not explain the dependentand independent variables 4.76 Does not explain the ethicalconsiderations for using thedata sources 6.34 Does not analyze the data usingappropriate descriptivestatistics 4.76 Data Analysis: Tablesor Graphs Meets “Proficient” criteria, andexplanations demonstrate keeninsight into the meaning of theinformation presented Constructs appropriate tablesor graphs that accuratelydisplay the noteworthyvariables with explanations ofthe meaning of the informationpresented Data Analysis:Inferential Statistics Meets “Proficient” criteria anddemonstrates masterfulapplication of inferentialstatistics Accurately analyzes the datausing appropriate inferentialstatistics, including the output Data Analysis:Meaning of theResults Meets “Proficient” criteria, andexplanation is exceptionallyclear and contextualized Explains the meaning of theresults of the data analysis inpractical terms Data Analysis: Ethicsof Analyzing Data Meets “Proficient” criteria, andsafeguards put in placedemonstrate keen insight intothe ethics involved in dataanalysis Discusses the ethics ofanalyzing data to ensure it isfair, objective, and scholarly aswell as safeguards put in placeto ensure the integrity of thestudy Conclusions andRecommendations forAction: ResearchFindings Meets “Proficient” criteria, andsummary is exceptionallyconcise and contextualized Summarizes research findingssuccinctly for stakeholders Conclusions andRecommendations forAction: ResearchProblem Meets “Proficient” criteria andmakes cogent connectionsbetween the literature review,data analysis, and researchproblem Explains how the researchproblem can be addressed byincorporating results from theliterature review and dataanalysis Constructs appropriate tablesor graphs to display the resultsof the data analysis, but sometables or graphs are unclear orcontain inaccuracies or lackexplanation of the meaning ofthe information presentedAnalyzes the data usingappropriate inferentialstatistics, but analysis iscursory, contains inaccuracies,or does not include the outputExplains the meaning of theresults of the data analysis, butexplanation is cursory, containsinaccuracies, or is not inpractical termsDiscusses the ethics ofanalyzing data to ensure it isfair, objective, and scholarly,but discussion is cursory,contains inaccuracies, or doesnot include safeguards put inplace to ensure the integrity ofthe studySummarizes research findingsfor stakeholders, but summaryis too comprehensive or lacksclarity Does not construct appropriatetables or graphs to display theresults of the data analysis 2.72 Does not analyze the data usingappropriate inferential statistics 4.76 Does not explain the meaningof the results of the dataanalysis 2.72 Does not discuss the ethics ofanalyzing data to ensure it isfair, objective, and scholarly 6.34 Does not summarize researchfindings for stakeholders 2.72 Explains how the researchproblem can be addressed byincorporating results from theliterature review and dataanalysis, but explanation iscursory or illogical Does not explain how theresearch problem can beaddressed 2.72 Conclusions andRecommendations forAction:Recommendations Meets “Proficient” criteria anddemonstrates sophisticatedunderstanding of how toaddress the research problem Conclusions andRecommendations forAction: Questions andConcerns ofStakeholders Meets “Proficient” criteria, andrecommendations demonstratea keen awareness of theintended audience Conclusions andRecommendations forAction: AdditionalResearch Meets “Proficient” criteria anddemonstrates sophisticatedunderstanding of howadditional research wouldimprove the organization’seffectivenessSubmission is free of errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, andorganization and is presented ina professional and easy-to-readformat Articulation ofResponse Makes recommendations toaddress the research problemthat are actionable, feasible,and realistic based on theconclusionRecommends appropriatestrategies for handling anypotential questions andconcerns of stakeholders Makes appropriaterecommendations foradditional research that wouldimprove the organization’seffectivenessSubmission has no major errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organization Makes recommendations toaddress the research problem,but they are not all actionable,feasible, and/or realistic orbased on the conclusionRecommends strategies forhandling any potentialquestions and concerns ofstakeholders, but not allrecommendations areappropriateMakes recommendations foradditional research that wouldimprove the organization’seffectiveness, but not allrecommendations areappropriateSubmission has major errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationthat negatively impactreadability and articulation ofmain ideas Does not makerecommendations to addressthe research problem 2.72 Does not recommend strategiesfor handling any potentialquestions and concerns ofstakeholders 2.72 Does not makerecommendations for additionalresearch that would improvethe organization’s effectiveness 2.72 Submission has critical errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationthat prevent understanding ofideas 4.86 Total 100%

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