Sociological Concept Discussions
I need the answer for the following questions:1. The Scientific Method: In a post of between 150 and 250 words, respond to the following discussion: Consider the material in the Topic 2 Lesson Presentation, along with the sectionsfrom your text entitled “Conducting Research” (pp. 25 36). First, briefly discuss the purpose of sociological research. Now, develop your own hypothesis about some aspect of sociology.What is your independent variable? What is your dependent variable? Which method of collecting data would work best for testing your theory? How would you go about testing yourhypothesis in a scientific and ethical way? 2. Ethnocentrism: Consider your textbook’s description of ethnocentrism (pp. 52 53), along with the Topic 4 Lesson Presentation (slide 18) . In a post of between 150 and 250 words, discuss the following prompt: First, write your own brief definition of the term & quot;ethnocentrism.” Then, discuss at least one example or phenomenon in which ethnocentrismplays a part. Finally, describe any situations in which you have experienced ethnocentrism, either negatively or positively. 3. What You’ve Learned So Far: 5. By now, you have read the first four chapters of your textbook and have learned about many sociological conceptsthe various types of data collection, components of culture, elements of socialization, social groups, etc. In a post of between 150 and 250 words, discuss which specific concept you found most interesting or surprising, and give some reasons why you chose that concept. 4. Preparing for the Midterm: Your upcoming midterm exam will cover the first 8 topics of the course, including textbook chapters 1 6 and the Lesson Presentations found in each topic. In a post of between 150 and 250 words, discuss how you will prepare for the midterm exam.Which areas of the chapters will you focus on? What are some examples of concepts you would expect to find on the exam? What are your strategies for success? 5. Reflection on the Midterm: Congratulations on completing your midterm exam! In a post of between 150 and 250 words, discuss how effective (or ineffective) your study strategies werein preparing for this exam. How can you use this experience to better prepare for the final exam? What advice would you give to a student who is about to take the midterm exam in Sociology 101? 6. Synthesizing What You’re Learning: To synthesize just means to combine various parts or elements together in order to draw conclusions. In a post of between 150 and 250 words, discuss the following prompt: Consider what your textbook says about “nature versus nurture” (Chapter 3) in relation to gender (Chapters 3, 6, & 8). Synthesizing this material, compare and contrast the biological and cultural bases for gender differences. Is gender something we are born with, or is it more socially constructed? 7. Preparing for the Final Exam: Congratulations on making it this far in the courseyou’re almost at the end! The upcoming final exam will cover the Topics 9 13 of the course, including textbook chapters 7 13 and the Lesson Presentations found in those topics. In a post of between 150 and 250 words, discuss how you will prepare for the final exam. Which areas of the chapters will you focus on? What are some examples of concepts you would expect to find on the exam? What are your strategies for success? 8. Study & Success Plan: In a post of between 150 and 250 words, please review the original study plan that you posted in Topic 1. Now that you’vealmost completed the course, what have you learned that you might do differently in hindsight? Were any of your strategies particularly useful (or not useful)? What tips might you give to a student who is about to enroll in Sociology 101?