Talk about where you see probabilities in your work and personal life
Talk about where you see probabilities in your work and personal life, not everyone can talk about lotteries, to get an understanding of how probabilities affect us. We also have many new probability related terms to learn so we will include these terms and examples in our discussion.EXAMPLE:I work in an industry part time that is based on probability. Working at a restaurant for 2.13 and relying on tips is a big game of probability. It is all based on the types of tables and orders that you get. In this scenario I am going to look at tables and to-go orders.Good Ok Bad TotalTables229637To-go orders96318Total3115955The probability of getting a table would be 37/55 and the probability of getting a to-go order would be 18/55. The probability of getting a good table or order would 31/55