The lecture for this week concludes with a question posed by W. Lawrence Hogue in Postmodern American Literature
$100 tip if I get A or B.By Wednesday, March 25, 2015, write a 600–700-word essay comparing and contrasting one issue as presented by the authors in Weeks 3–4 and by the authors from Week 5. Post your essay to the W5 Assignment 2 Dropbox.AssignmentThe lecture for this week concludes with a question posed by W. Lawrence Hogue in Postmodern American Literature and its Other. Hogue ponders whether “Postmodern American fiction auger[s] a different culture/social reality? A new/different way of constructing the world beyond/different from modernity?” This is a multifaceted question that requires you to consider both modernism and postmodernism.For this assignment, please compare and contrast one issue—for instance, the social realities of gender—first, as presented by the authors from Weeks 3–4 and, next, by the authors from Week 5. Please compare and contrast this issue as presented in your choice of two readings: one from Week 5 (but not the same reading you covered in this week’s discussion forum) and one reading of any genre from Week 3 or 4.The essay should be 600–700 words, written in 3rd person, and should:Contain an appropriate introduction, thesis statement, organized body paragraphs, and a conclusion.Include textual references and direct quotations.Be properly formatted and documented in MLA style.Include a proper Works Cited page.Week 5 literary readings include your choice of at least two of the following from your digital textbook:Flannery O’Connor, “Good Country People”Philip Roth, “The Conversion of the Jews”Kurt Vonnegut, “Harrison Bergeron”Toni Morrison, excerpt from SulaRaymond Carver, “Cathedral”Sandra Cisneros, “Woman Hollering Creek”Don DeLillo, “The Angel Esmeralda”