The steps of the analytical problem-solving model include
Each time that this test is loaded, you will receive a unique set of questions and answers. The test questions are scrambled to protect the integrity of the exam.5 Per Page10 Per Page20 Per PageDisplay All1. The steps of the analytical problem-solving model include: identifying the problem, exploring alternatives, ___________, implementing a solution, and evaluating the situation.A. Identifying the stakeholders.B. Analyzing the situation.C. Building an implementation plan.D. Selecting alternatives.2. A problem-solving model helps to minimize impediments to decision making and the impact of stress.A. TRUEB. FALSE3. When applying the problem-solving model to ethical solutions, be sure to consider:A. Private gain.B. Stakeholder needs and values.C. Individual compliance.D. Evacuation priorities.4. Under stress, decision makers are more likely to:A. Focus on longer range alternatives.B. Exhibit poor judgment.C. Engage with other key players for longer periods of time.D. Avoid conflict with other key players.5. Using the five-step problem-solving model, after selecting an alternative, the next step is to:A. Identify the problem.B. Explore alternatives.C. Assess the situationD. Implement the solution.6. Which of the following is an advantage of group decision making?A. It is more likely to be influenced by a vocal few.B. It tends to limit discussion of the problem.C. It is successful when time is limited and leadership is absent.D. It provides a broader perspective and taps a wider range of expertise.7. Which of the following techniques can be used to narrow options for increased decision-making effectiveness?A. Using weighted voting or multivoting techniques.B. Agreeing on a set of win/lose techniques.C. Applying different analytical approaches.D. Conducting brainstorming sessions.8. When making a decision involving an ethical dilemma, you should rely solely on your organization’s policies.A. TRUEB. FALSE9. Which of the following practices can make a group’s decision-making process more effective?A. Requiring agreement that the decision is the optimal one.B. Forming smaller groups and working groups.C. Permitting member roles to remain uncertain.D. Promoting the use of groupthink.10. The steps of the analytical problem-solving model include: identifying the problem, exploring and selecting alternatives, _____________, and evaluating the situation.A. Implementing a solution.B. Evaluating alternatives.C. Identifying the stakeholders.D. Analyzing the situation.11. A good decision with ethical implications can escalate an emergency into an unmanageable situation.A. TRUEB. FALSE12. Which of the following is a limitation of group decision making?A. It reduces the use of discussion in order to lessen uncertainties.B. It is less likely to be influenced by a vocal few.C. It may get bogged down by overanalysis or influenced by haste.D. It unleashes the creative potential of team members in developing alternatives.13. Which of the following factors can impede decision making in an incident?A. Common operating picture.B. Fatigue and stress.C. Common priorities.D. Forming smaller groups.14. Individual decision making is a good approach when:A. The decision is complex with many possible solutions.B. The leader has enough expertise to make a good decision.C. The decision will directly impact many agencies, individuals, or community members.D. Commitment to the decision by other people is critical.15. Decision makers should determine who is affected by an emergency during this step of the problem-solving process.A. Implement the soution.B. Select an alternative.C. Identify the problem.D. Make a decision.16. The initial step of the five-step problem-solving model is to:A. Clarify values.B. Identify the problem.C. Explore alternativesD. Develop an approach.17. A poor decision with ethical implications can escalate an emergency into an unmanageable situation.A. TRUEB. FALSE18. A key characteristic of effective problem-solving groups is their:A. Duplication of function.B. Large size.C. Diverse makeup.D. Emphasis on unanimous agreement.19. The decision-making for emergencies process should begin:A. During the execution phase of the decision-making cycle.B. After an emergency operations center has been established.C. Under emergency conditions.D. Well before any emergency strikes.20. In order to identify the problem you need to ___________ the situation to make sure you have the full picture.A. FormulateB. BrainstormC. GeneralizeD. Size up21. The analytical problem-solving model helps minimize impediments to:A. A common operating picture.B. Stress reduction.C. Decision making.D. Creative potential.22. Which of the following factors can impede decision making in an incident?A. Focus on the big pictureB. Clear valuesC. Time pressureD. Validated information23. When the consequences of decision making are significant and time permits, is group decision making or individual decision making the better approach?A. Group decision making is the better approach.B. Individual decision making is the better approach.24. Using the five-step problem-solving model, while implementing the solution, you should also:A. Develop an action plan with details.B. Monitor progress and evaluate the decision.C. Determine the extent of the problem.D. Use a consistent process to evaluate alternatives.25. When selecting group members for problem solving, it is more effective to include people who:A. Are homogeneous in makeup.B. Have a stake in the outcome.C. Represent jurisdictions with no stake in the outcome.D. Have limited decision-making authority.