the text of Paradise Lost to support your contentions
Choose one of the following topics and write a brief essay (2-3 well developedparagraphs should suffice). Draw from the text of Paradise Lost to support yourcontentions.1. In the beginning of Book IX, Milton claims his subject is “Not less but more heroic”(14) than any of his epic predecessors. Discuss what Milton considers “heroic” (youmight as a way of drawing distinctions also discuss a false example of heroism in theepic).2. Relying on specific allusions to one of his epic predecessors (Homer, Virgil, or Danteor, more generally, the Greek or Roman tradition), discuss Milton’s use of and/orrevision of that predecessor.3. Agree, disagree, or modify: “Milton follows traditional / conservative Christianteachings in depicting Eve as the weaker sex who is primarily responsible for our fallfrom grace; she remains wholly subordinate to Adam throughout the epic.”4. The great opening invocation to the poem, while focusing on the fruit of “man’sdisobedience,” also mentions the coming of Christ to “Restore us, and regain theblissful seat” (I. 5). Discuss some ways that the story of Paradise Lost is also a story ofhow Adam and Eve regain paradise. The focus of this topic should be Book X of theepic.