This Discussion assignment is about the levels of formal and informal diction used in our popular media
Overview:This Discussion assignment is about the levels of formal and informal diction used in our popular media. To complete thisassignment, review the the module “Exploration of Formal Diction” about formal vs. informal diction, as well as to othermodule resources about formal writing. Then, complete these “languageintherealworld” tasks by the Course Scheduledeadlineand have fun!Instructions:Remember to use only 3rd person in your responses and number your responses to the following issues.1.RECAP: Post a concise explanation of “formal diction” and give two examples of deviations in word choices thatresult in “informal diction.” Refer to the module resources for information and examples.2.or read.3.NEWS REPORT: Identify the title, location, and date of a *news* media report that you have watched, listened to,”Quote* one (1) sentence from the report that uses informal word choices. Consider only professional *news*reports, please, and do not discuss sports or entertainment reports, blogs, etc.4.REVISION: Present your revision of the informal sentenceone that avoids any use of informal language and,instead, complies with the module course materials about formal diction guidelines.Your main posting should be 150200 words.