What are the ethical responsibilities of businesses
MGT5019-8 > Ethics in Society and Business > Week 2Syllabus ID: 32756Introduction:Role of Ethics in BusinessWhat are the ethical responsibilities of businesses? Should a business just look out for its ‘bottom line,’ or should it look out for its employees,customers, community, and the environment too? How far along each spectrum should it progress? When a business operates in a thirdworld country, is it morally obligated to pay wages that would be considered fair in America, or is the company doing enough if it abides bylocal laws and regulations? As Jennings (2012, p. 45) notes, the study of business ethics is not what is legal, but of the application of ethicsto business decisions. Some businesses simply adopt an ethical standard of following the law. If it’s legal, then it is ethical is their standards.However, many actions well within the law still raise ethical issues (Jennings, 2012, p. 47).1. Review the resources listed in the Books and Resources area below to prepare for this week’s assignment(s).2. Complete the following Spotlight on Skills if you need assistance with the tools used to complete your assignments.Library Spotlight on Skills: Identifying and Evaluating InformationAs you read through the information you find in your research, remember to also carefully evaluate it to ensure the resources are appropriate,accurate, and unbiased. For more information about what a scholarly/peer reviewed research article is, and how to determine whether youhave located one or not, please see this page in the Library Research Process area: Academic and Popular ResourcesBooks and Resources for this Week:BooksReferenceJennings, M. (2012) Business ethics: Case studies and selected readings.InstructionRead Unit1B, 2A.Articles:http://www.coursesmart.com/9780538473538/firstsection#X2ludGVybmFsX0J2ZGVwRmxhc2hSZWFkZXI/eG1saWQ9OTc4MDUzODQ3MzUzOC8yOQ==ReferenceInstructionAcademic and Popular Resources. Northcentral University Library.http://library.ncu.edu/dw_template.aspx?parent_id=238Read ArticleDrucker, P. (1981). What is business ethics?http://www.nationalaffairs.com/doclib/20080708_1981632whatisbusinessethicspeterfdrucker.pdfRead ArticleSmith, J., & Dubbink, W. (2011, April). Understanding the role of moral principles in business ethics: Akantian perspective.http://proxy1.ncu.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=59966372&site=ehost-liveRead ArticleDocument/OtherReferenceFilms Media Group. (1990). Business Ethics [Video File].http://proxy1.ncu.edu/login?url=http://digital.films.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=6281&xtid=4983&loid=11993InstructionView Video***Assignment Instructions***MGT5019-8 > Ethics in Society and Business > Week 2 > Interpret the Role of Ethics in Business (Graded,Required)Syllabus ID: 32756DownloadPrintWeek 2 Assignment: Interpret the Role of Ethics in BusinessActivity DescriptionWhat is the role of ethics in business? Prepare a paper that addresses the following:Evaluate the concept of ethics as it relates to business operations. Be certain to utilize your text’sdefinition and then compare and contrast definitions from other sources.What stance does Drucker take on ethics?How does your text author relate Carr’s perspective regarding the role of ethics in business?Provide your own perspective: are personal ethics and business ethics really different? Why or whynot?Support your paper with minimum of three (3) scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, otherappropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pagesYour paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course andprovide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing andcurrent APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.Upload your assignment using the Upload Assignment button below.Learning Outcomes2.0 Compare and contrast the perspectives of various parties who influence business decisions.3.0 Assess the conflicting objectives of those who influence ethical business decisions.