What is the Tao, in your own words (remembering that “the Tao that can be spoken is not the Tao”)
1. What is the Tao, in your own words (remembering that “the Tao that can be spoken is not the Tao”)? How does it compare to the concept of God?2. If you were a practicing Taoist, which approach would you take, and why?3. Think of examples from your own life experience to describe your understanding of the Taoist concept we wei.4. Why do some people call Taoism and Confucianism the yin and yang of China? Do you agree? Explain.5. Why did “the Japanese team that scaled Anapurna, the second highest peak” of Mt. Everest, climb “to within fifty feet of the summit and deliberately” stop? What do you think of this?6. Describe the Jewish conception of God in your own words. How does it compare to the Hindu concept of God. Which makes the most sense to you, and why?7. What does it mean to be a human being, according to Jewish belief? How does this compare to Confucianism?8. How do the Jewish ideas of the importance of history, the belief in the Jews as the chosen people, and the creation of the state of Israel relate to each other?9. How do the Jewish ideas of finding meaning through justice and suffering compare with your own life experience?10. What is the secret of the flower and how does it contain the wisdom of Zen Buddhism?11. Reflect deeply on the Four Noble Truths. Do they describe accurately your experience of life and reality? Explain12. What is the wisdom of the 8-fold path, in your own words? What parts of it do you agree/disagree with, and why?13. What is your opinion of the differences between the Big raft / Little raft / Diamond raft ways of understanding and practicing Buddhism?14. How is the Confucian concept Li similar to, and different from, other concepts you are familiar with (religious or non-religious)?15. How are Te and Wen religious concepts? (They sound political.)16. How do the concepts Jen and Chun tzu help us understand relationships in the Confucian way?17. What do you think of Confucius’ conclusion that neither love nor force could solve the problem of social cohesion?18. Is Confucianism a religion or an ethical code to live by? How do you come to your conclusion?19. How did the Jesus of history become the Christ of faith? How is the story of Jesus similar to, and different from, the stories of the Buddha, Confucius, or Lao Tzu?20. What was unique about what Jesus said, and the way he said it?21. If you were (or are) a Christian, to which branch would you prefer to belong, and why?22. What does it mean to be part of a mystical body of Christ?23. What is behind the phrase, “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior”?24. Space is abstract. Place is particular, special, and intimate. How would an indigenous understanding of place change the way you live your life?25. What are the benefits of an oral tradition over a written tradition? Think of the ways that the spoken word can have value over the written word.26. Describe, in your own words, the indigenous peoples’ view of God or gods or Spirit? How does this view compare to that of other religions?27. How does the indigenous understanding of time compare to your own? Also, how might the idea of “time” influence your thinking about life after death, karma, or reincarnation?28. What wisdom do the indigenous peoples of the world have to offer, as seen in these 3 clips?A) Bob Randall: http://www.youtube.com/watch?& (7m)B) Oren Lyons: http://www.youtube.com/watch? (10m)C) Floyd Redcrow Westerman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?& (7m)29.According to Muslims, how are Muhammad and Jesus similar, and how are they different? How does this affect your understanding of Islam?30. Why is Islam understood by Muslims as a reconciliation of the original monotheistic faith of Abraham?31. How do the Five Pillars of Islam compare to the Ten Commandments of Judaism and Christianity, and/or to the Eightfold Path of Buddhism (or any other religious paths to God/Enlightenment)?32. Why is the Qur’an (Koran) so important? How is it different from the Bible and the Torah? How is it similar?33. How do the Sufis help us acknowledge the difference between the inner (esoteric) and the outer(exoteric) aspects of ourselves and of religion?34. Would it be possible to create–from the wisdom of all religions–a single religion? What effects might this have on human interaction? (note: consider looking up “Baha’i Faith” online to see one effort to do just this; also: see what you find using the word “interfaith”35. If you had (or have) no religion, and had to choose one of the religions we have studied — which would it be? Why?36. Imagine that what these wisdom traditions have to say about life and humanity is true. If so, how would you respond?37. If you didn’t (or don’t) believe in any God or spiritual level of reality, how might you interpret the value of these wisdom traditions?38. What is the most important insight you have had from study