You Decide TranscriptYou Decide Assignment Title: The Entrepreneurial ProcessScenario Summary
Week 7 You Decide TranscriptYou Decide Assignment Title: The Entrepreneurial ProcessScenario SummaryYou have worked hard this semester learning about the process the entrepreneur takes to launcha new venture. In this assignment, you will be reviewing the first 6 weeks of this course to createan outline of this process.You work at a consulting company helping companies research, develop, and launch new ideas.The Vice President of Sales has asked you to create a document that highlights the entire processfrom idea generation to financing that will be used to help the sales team attract new clients. Youwill create a PowerPoint slideshow that outlines this process.Your Role/AssignmentYou are working for a consulting firm that helps new ventures launch. Your manager, KarlMecklenberg, has asked you to work with the sales team to develop a presentation slideshow thatwill highlight the steps taken in the development of a new venture. You will turn in a minimum of a12-page PowerPoint, complete with notes that describe this process.You have a meeting scheduled with Craig Morton, Vice President of Sales, who will describewhat the sales team requires for their presentation.ActivityAs an expert in entrepreneurship, you will outline the process that one goes through to launch anew business.As outlined in Week 2, you start with an idea and then assess its worth. Once you have anopportunity, you create a business model, develop a business plan, create a marketing strategy,develop a legal strategy, and assemble your team (Weeks 3–5). To finance this launch, you startwith seed money and eventually (if successful) reach out to angel investors or venture capitalists(Weeks 6 and 7).Be sure to highlight all of these areas and describe the process in each stage.Your presentation of 10–12 slides that including a cover page will be used to promote yourcompany as the right place to use to support entrepreneurial activity. The slideshow must be aprofessional presentation that is easy to read and follow. Use the notes section to describe eachslide in greater detail.To be successful, you should review each of the past weeks’ lectures and readings and bring inthese academic sources to support your process presentation.You are about to join a meeting with the Vice President of Sales, Craig Morton. Be sure to listento him as he describes his needs.ENTR510_W7_You_Decide_TranscriptPage 1Week 7 You Decide TranscriptGood Luck!Key PlayersKey Players ImageTitle/Role/CharacterMr. Craig Morton, VicePresident, SalesScript – Text & AudioHello, welcome to the company. I understand youare new here, but you come highly recommendedfrom your boss Karl. I am sure you will be veryhelpful for our department.As you know, our company assists entrepreneurs indeveloping ideas for potential ventures. Our salesteam works with various professional business clubsand often speaks to the groups about our servicesin order to attract new customers.In these meetings, my team describes what we doin great detail—from business plan development toassisting with acquiring funds. For the most part, thepresentation is outstanding, but it could beimproved, that is where you can help.We have received some feedback that while ourpresentation of services is well done, people felt itwould be a good idea (and help increase sales) ifwe could explain the overall entrepreneurial processfrom idea to funding in launching a new business.This improvement to our sales pitch would allow forus to highlight how we can help in each area andincrease the confidence of potential clients byshowing them the big picture first, before describingour individual consulting services.We would like you to develop a 10–12 pageslideshow that will describe the steps ofentrepreneurship, such as brainstorming an ideaand then assessing whether the idea is a trueopportunity. Then you could describe the secondstep an entrepreneur should take to develop astrategy and business plan; and then you coulddescribe the third step and so on…all the way tofinding investors for the new venture.Be sure to create a professional presentation that iseasy to read and is succinct. These are busypeople, so we want just the highlight of the processon the slides. And don’t forget to add notes in thePowerPoint that my sales team can read thatENTR510_W7_You_Decide_TranscriptPage 2Week 7 You Decide Transcriptdescribes what each slide should cover in detail.Thanks for your time…I look forward to thispresentation!End of TranscriptENTR510_W7_You_Decide_TranscriptPage 3